The attorneys at Darby Kolter & Roberts have been protecting the rights of individuals and families for decades, and our experienced, compassionate lawyers understand the emotional complexities of family-related legal issues.
At Darby Kolter & Roberts, LLP, we assist clients in all matters of family law, including:
- Collaborative Divorce
- Mediation
- Divorce with minor children
- Divorce without minor children
- Parentage
- Parental Rights and Responsibilities (child custody)
- Parent Child Contact (visitation)
- Child support
- Division of assets
- Spousal maintenance (alimony)
- Prenuptial and Cohabitation agreements
- Adoption
When a marriage has run its course, it takes time, energy and financial resources to reach a suitable outcome and begin a new chapter in life. But every divorce is different. Each client is an individual with personal goals for how they would like their divorce to be handled and what they hope for post-divorce.
Divorce is a transition
Disentangling a marriage involves many legal issues, particularly when there are children and/or significant assets. We understand that it isn’t easy for you. Even the most amicable splits can become complicated. When complex emotions are engaged, we use decades of experience and skill to assist our clients in navigating through the tough moments. Whenever possible, we encourage and and strive for collaboration, cooperation and settlement.
You set the tone for your family’s transition. We maintain it
Hiring the right lawyer to represent you is one of the most impactful decisions you can make when beginning the transition to divorce. You need someone you can trust to prioritize your best interests. Someone you feel comfortable with and who cares about you and your family. We listen to each client and assess their needs individually. We understand that you know what is best for you and your family and that your goals are paramount. Throughout the process, we work together to set you up for success to meet your goals.
If you are considering divorce, it is in your best interest to consult with a Vermont divorce lawyer before moving forward. When both parties are committed to reach agreement, you may be able to save significant time, money, and stress through processes such as Collaborative Divorce or mediation. Learn more about
collaborative divorce.
Parental Rights and Responsibilities (child custody)
When parents wish to share equal time with their child(ren) and are able to reach agreement on a schedule, entering into a stipulation on Parental Rights and Responsibilities (PRR) and Parent Child Contact (PCC) can prevent a hearing in front of a judge. We consider it a top priority to enter into a stipulation because it is common for issues to arise during the process and disagreements about child custody can quickly become contentious. Ensuring that everyone’s needs are met can be a challenge, but we work hard to keep parents focused on what is in the child(ren)’s best interests.
The stipulation should provide a detailed outline of how you and your child(ren)’s other parent will handle daily/weekly/monthly custody, as well as birthdays, holidays, and vacations. Furthermore, it will establish whether one or both parents are involved in decisions about the child’s education, medical care, religious upbringing, and other important matters.
It is critical to have skilled legal counsel by your side to ensure that you have a voice in determining how your child(ren)’s best interests will be met.
Child Support
In Vermont, children have a legal right to be financially supported by both parents. Child support is intended to cover living expenses, including housing, groceries, clothing, entertainment, medical expenses, childcare, and education costs.
Child support is often required regardless of whether you have 50/50 custody or primary custody. Typically, the parent with higher income pays support to the lower-income parent according to State guidelines which incorporate factors such as health insurance costs, childcare costs and spousal maintenance, among others.
While it is in your best interests to hire a skilled attorney to negotiate the challenges that are inherent in determining child support, the Office of Child Support also offers services to parents and guardians to assist them with establishing, modifying, enforcing and collecting child support.
Division of Assets and Spousal Maintenance (alimony)
Figuring out how to disentangle your marital finances can be a monumental challenge. One must be fully informed about not only their rights under the law and what they may be entitled to, but also about the value of their marital assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Full disclosure by both parties is essential but can be difficult to obtain without the assistance of an experienced attorney.
We understand that it can be overwhelming to navigate these complex financial matters so we use established methods to break them down into simpler, clearer terms for our clients.
Reaching an equitable outcome that includes a balance of property division, debts and sometimes spousal maintenance (alimony) should be a goal of both parties. If parties are unable to agree, litigation may be necessary. We apply years of experience in skilled negotiation and dispute resolution to try to help you reach as equitable an outcome as possible without going to court. Disagreement about what is equitable is often the biggest hurdle but it can be overcome through the competent assistance of an attorney who explores creative solutions and advocates for what is in your best interests.
Contact Darby Kolter & Roberts, LLP Today
If you need help with any matter of family law, we have the skill, experience and compassion to guide you through the process in a productive, effective manner that suits your individual needs. Contact Attorney Herrington today for a confidential consultation about your case.